- The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Economics, Accounting Practice, Research and Quality of Education in the Slovak Republic: Lessons Learnt 1
- The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime, Results of a Global Legal Study and a Factual Study of the UK 1
- The importance of social innovations in the knowledge-based economy in the context of footwear sector solutions 1
- The internationalisation of Polish industries in the context of the new institutional economics: Diagnosis and determinants 1
- The Islamic World in Contemporary and Historical Perspective 1
- The Ładoś List 1
- The process-based organisation and its performance in the era of intelligent technologies 1
- The Quandaries of China’s Domestic and Foreign Development 1
- The Role of Export Credit Agencies in Trade Financing 1
- The Role of Regions in EU-China Relations 1
- The Sharing Renaissance: Insights from Research on Urban Logistics Networks 1
- The Socio-Emotional Competencies of Students: A Guide for Teachers 1
- The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership The 21st Century Agreement 1
- The V4 Towards Migration Challenges in Europe 1
- The Way of Jesus 1
- The Woman Artist: Essays in memory of Dorota Filipczak 1
- Tlallamiquiliztli inelhuayo 1
- Toksyna botulinowa w kosmetyce : 1
- Toponimia powiatu tureckiego 1
- Tora dla narodów świata. Prawa noachickie w ujęciu Majmonidesa 1
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